Saturday, December 8, 2012

Grades & Mission Green.

So, I was very busy these past couple weeks with studying, and taking, final exams. Here's what I know (officially documented in bold):

  • Intro to Education: 1000/1000 A. (Yes, I didn't miss one point all semester!)
  • Intro to Technology for Educators: 505/500. A. (Full credit plus extra!)
  • Organic Chemistry I: A-
  • Genetics: B*. (The B was sent to me by Professor, but not "officially" reported on my transcript yet.

All in all I had little to no life but it was really worth it!
(Quite a few photos after the jump)

I did take the time out on Dec 01 to go to the "Green" (football) Game. We (Mission Green Student Association) set out and manned reward-earning recycle bins. Standing around waiting for people to bring me their recycles got boring so I kidnapped my partner and a bin and became "the Recycle Fairy". We looped around the tailgate party area inviting ourselves to people's parties and traded raffle tickets for their recyclables. It seemed to be a huge hit. Several people wanted our cool shirt so badly that they went rooting around in their black trashbags for cans and bottles. WIN! Our cardboard box soaked and collapsed but a very nice man lent us his trolly to cart it back to homebase. I traded out my cardboard box (and partner, actually), scarfed down the best bean burger ever and headed back out. This time around we not only saw a really awesome lady from my husband's math department (Hi Helen!) but a nice lady named Sandy who took a picture of is and interviewed of for the Deerfield Observer! SQUEE. I have the online version here:

"(Right) FAU students Janna Kepley and Kaylie Allen are part of a team of students that went around the tail gate party area at the FAU football game collecting objects to recycle. They talked of the president of their group Johnny Yuen who guided them on this project and also in developing the Tortuga Hiking Trail on campus. They offered incentives to people of coolie cups, tee shirts etc., depending on how much they recycles!"

Look Ma! I'm famous!
Yay MGSA and the Bike Fix program! GO GREEN!
(I'm on the far left. Look for Terminator specs. Hmm, Greeninator?)

The volunteering doesn't stop there folks!
Today Johnny (the one from the article) and I went out the to the Delray Green Market and manned the Slow Food booth with a stand up lady named Diane Campion. Her passion is the "Glades to Coast" chapter of Slow Food, and we tried to interest Green Goers in the sustainability of local urban gardening. I think we did all right. Made a few feathered friends.

Myself, Johnny, Diane. And Henrietta.
I do occasionally take my sunglasses off.

The Slow Food mascot and our awesome reusable MSGA tumblers!

It was all made worth it by the Hungarian Chimney Bread (wink).

What is THIS medieval looking booth?
These wonderful folks wrap thin dessert bread dough around those wooden pokers there and bake it. It comes out "chimney cake", hollow, covered in cinnamon and sugar, and just so awesome. It's soft on the outside and just the tiniest bit doughy on the inside.. (drool).

These make the magic happen.
The superneat sign that supports my new passion for Chimney Bread.
OK. So that's about it. (grin) So much in SUCH a little space. It's been a stressful, but rewarding, couple of weeks.

(1) Johnson, Sandy. "Sandy on Society". Deerfield Observer, December 06, 2012. Retrieved 2012 December 08.

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