Sunday, November 29, 2015

Good Housekeeping Green Seal

Green Certifications: 
Good Housekeeping Green Seal

Though I compiled this information for a study on greenwashing and laundry detergent, the information pertaining to the label and certification may extend into other types of products. When in doubt, be an informed consumer and read, read, read! I try to link and reference all of my findings. - Janna

The Good Housekeeping Green label has a spot in my Green Washing laundry study because of the seven products listed on the GH site as having this certification, Tide Coldwater liquid laundry detergent is one of them. I was a little surprised, because of the many many Tide bottles I saw during this study, none of them had this seal. I tried images online, and none of the Coldwater bottles have it. Perhaps the certification expires; perhaps the seal is not something brands put on their labeling but something that serves as an in-house warranty for subscribers of Good Housekeeping. It's hard to tell how old the list of items is, as there is no date anywhere on the page... and the list is an 7 item slideshow. The seal was introduced in 2009, The seal seems largely based on how "green" the manufacturing process or material sourcing is.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Green Seal Label

Green Certifications:
Green Seal Label

Though I compiled this information for a study on greenwashing and laundry detergent, the information pertaining to the label and certification may extend into other types of products. When in doubt, be an informed consumer and read, read, read! I try to link and reference all of my findings. - Janna

Green Seal is a third-party certification for goods and services. The company Green Seal, Inc. is a non-profit organization that started in 1989, when there were no other environmental certification programs (GreenSeal, 2011). The mark may appear on a product label, a hotel or restaurant brochure, or a custodian's uniform.

Green Seal certifies household cleaners, specialty cleaners, laundry care products, cleaning services, bath soap and shampoo, personal care and cosmetic products, printing paper, kitchen papers (coffee filters and more), compact fluorescent bulbs, paints, recycled latex paint, windows, and stains and finishes. Each has it's own set of standards.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

EPA DFE and Safer Choice labels

Green Certifications:
US EPA DFE / Safer Choice

Though I compiled this information for a study on greenwashing and laundry detergent, the information pertaining to the label and certification may extend into other types of products. When in doubt, be an informed consumer and read, read, read! I try to link and reference all of my findings. - Janna

The United State's Environmental Protection Agency started the Design for the Environment (DFE) label in 1992 and became the  Safer Choice label in 2015 February. The requirements did not change with the design, and some products still carry the older label. (At the time of my study Purex Natural Elements still had the DFE label (2015 November). However, the label is now a small family of labels, denoting various uses. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Appalachian Trail Summary: 25 miles through Georgia

Let me tell you a little about what I did last week! I hiked nearly 25 miles of Appalachian Trail in Georgia, with the Certified Student Leadership course I took (the "Wilderness Track"). We Drive to Georgia on May 2nd, and from May 3rd until May 7th, backpacked up and down the mountains. I really believe it's the hardest thing I have ever done. I'd gotten to know the other students just a little, but I believe I've made a few new good friends. I was so nervous that my knee or slowness would make me a liability, but as we went along we all adjusted to each other and learned how to support one another. We each had a day where we led the entire group, and on my day a girl twisted her ankle, exacerbating an an old injury. It was really hard to keep camp organized for such a long period of time. We hiked only 3 miles that day and after just an hour in camp people were napping and wandering off. I found it so much harder to organize them in camp than on the trail! The instructor told me later that it's often true, and is made more pronounced by a weakness of mine: getting people's attention, and then keeping it. I tend to just do a needed task, myself. I learned that can enable laziness at a time when action is needed. So, something to work on.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Student Gender/Sexuality Identity

Warning: This article present some homophobic epithets as examples of intolerant language.

Students of education have a duty to discuss not only racial diversity and cultural diversity but sexual diversity, and all the for the same reasons. Just as a classroom will be ethnically and culturally diverse it will be sexually diverse. Some might argue that young children are not sexually aware yet and therefore do not count in this regard, and that is incorrect. Children raised in families or with family friends of diverse sexual orientations or gender identities are part of this sexually diverse group.

Why does this even matter in a classroom that is not “sex education”, like Language Arts or History? Bullying, for one. Bullying, whether physical or indirect in the form of threats, shunning, or rumors, can leave emotional scarring and hinder a students emotional and academic progress. Epithets like “fag” or “dyke”, “queer” and insulting phrases like “that's so gay” or “no homo” place non-heterosexual orientation in a negative and deviant light. It gives unspoken credence to the incorrect assumption that non-heterosexual orientation is itself deviant, perverse, or even chosen out of rebellion. This way of thinking is called “heterosexism”. Homophobia is the common term usually used for attitudes of perceiving non-heterosexuality as negative and is used when these attitudes manifest in outward expressions in bullying, prejudicial acts, and intolerance. The term has also been applied to those who disdain people with non-traditional gender identities, though gender identity is not strictly related to sexual orientation.

Teachers often find themselves in loco parentis as students come to them for help with peer relationships. Sometimes these are negative relationships where one student is being bullied by another. In some rare occasions the students may seek guidance from a teacher about romantic relationships, especially if the student feels they cannot approach their friends or parents. How a teacher handles occasions of homophobia can impact a student for life.

First, one hopes that a teacher has the education and happiness of their students in mind and would bring little to no gender, gender-identity, or sexuality bias into the classrooms themselves. Joining in with students who are laughing or joking in a heterosexist way can even further isolate and alienate students who are LGBTQA (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, [straight]-ally) or those have LGBTQA friends and family.

Second, teachers must be mindful of the signs of bullying or intolerance and do their best to put a stop to it. Obviously students using epithets in class would be told to curb their language, but teachers must also mind phrases like “that's so gay”. This seemingly simple phrase is perhaps more offensive because it is so simple and widely accepted. Would a teacher turn a deaf ear to comments like “that's so black”, “don't be a Jew”, or “he's being retarded”? No! Those phrases are offensive and used to insult the student and members of those communities by insinuating they are are negative themselves! Then it is neither acceptable to allow “gay” or “homosexual” to be an insult. No one uses “heterosexual” as an insult.

Non-Heterosexuals and people with non-traditional gender-identity exist. They are students in our school and their friends and family are friends in our schools. They deserve the same education, protection, and guidance as any other student.

My college Diversity class listed an amazing list of resources, and I would like to share my favorites with you.

TheYoungTurks - Fox News Bias On Gay Rights In Public Schools

A certainly non-exhaustive list of heterosexism and homophobia, and links for some that you may not have realized was a problem:
  1. Bullying (broad term!)
  2. "Joking" heterosexist comments or insults. ("so gay" etc.)
  3. Housing discrimination.
  4. Family planning & adoption discrimination.
  5. Gender/sexuality 'correction' counseling (which are usually abusive and dangerous).
  6. Vandalism (of objects owned or frequented by LGBTQA).
  7. Misinformation and Miseducation that "only gays" get certain diseases (HIV). (You don't need a link here, it's a virus, and viruses don't care what sexuality/gender you are).